The Rise of AI Powered Development Tools: Revolutionizing Code

3 min readMay 5, 2024

If you’ve been coding the traditional way, you’re in for a treat. The development landscape is shifting dramatically with the advent of AI-powered development tools. From autocomplete on steroids to entire functions written in seconds, AI is not just assisting but revolutionizing the way we write code. Let’s explore into what this means for us in the trenches of coding.

The Magic of AI in Coding

First of all, what are AI-powered development tools? Essentially, these are tools integrated into the coding environment that uses artificial intelligence to make software development faster, more accurate, and interesting. Tools like GitHub Copilot, JetBrains’ IntelliCode, Kite, Tabnine and even smaller plugins are leading this charge.

GitHub Copilot: Your AI Pair Programmer

GitHub Copilot -think of it as your collaborative partner that suggests lines or blocks of code as you type. It’s like having a co-pilot who’s seen a million codebases and can predict what you’ll write next. Need to bootstrap a new service or parse a tricky JSON? Just start typing, and Copilot will throw in its suggestions.

Fun Fact: It’s powered by OpenAI’s Codex, which understands dozens of languages and can interpret comments to…

