Mastering Standalone Jobs in Laravel 11: Organize Codebases

3 min readMay 4, 2024

Laravel continues to evolve as a framework and is consistently introducing new features that streamline development workflows and enhance codebase manageability. With the release of Laravel 11, one notable addition is the support for standalone jobs. This allows developers to define job classes outside app/Jobs directory. This is particularly beneficial for large applications, where maintaining a modular and organized code structure is crucial. In this blog post, we'll dive into how standalone jobs work in Laravel 11.

What are Standalone Jobs?

Laravel stores job classes in the app/Jobs directory. These classes are dispatched to handle background processing tasks like sending emails, performing batch updates, or handling asynchronous computations. However, in complex applications, the Jobs directory can become cluttered, making it harder to maintain and navigate the codebase.

Laravel 11 addresses this by allowing jobs to be defined as standalone classes, which can be placed anywhere in the application. This means you can organize jobs into directories that represent different modules or components of your application.

Setting Up a Laravel Standalone Job

