How to Create Your Own Twitter Bot with Python — TechTales

6 min readMar 6, 2024

If you have ever thought about creating a twitter bot then you are the right place. We will be creating a twitter bot using Python programming language and if you are in process of learning Python, this will be a fun project to polish your programming skills. In this blog post you create your own twitter bot with Python and automate your repetitive tasks.

Setting up your Environment

The first thing is to access to twitter‘s API and you would need Twitter Development account. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Apply for a Developer account here.
  • Now create a new application in developers portal and keep your API keys and access tokens safe.

Preparing your Python Environment

You have to have python installed on your system. After that you will install Tweepy, a python library to interact with Twitter API. Use pip to install it.

pip install tweepy

Use of Twitter API allows your bot to perform actions like tweeting, retweeting and following users etc.

Building Twitter Bot with Python

Lets get to work now.


